Juan Alberto

Rabies blinded him, took a bottle of ink that was on the table and threw it against the first thing that crossed it by the front. Ink struck the painting that Bela would be, totally ruined. Pablo looked one last time the portrait on the wall and went. Bela is the study stared droplets of ink that chorreaban your frame, scrap had the image on the canvas, there was no trace of elephants or of its moon, what he saw was just a great spot. He regretted and was upset to see that Paul had removed what had flattered.

The day continued and she did as if nothing. It is time limited fully do its job, or even looked at the boy in the eyes. He began to treat it with a great indifference. Out of the Nochelin House, he played pass by Juan Alberto florist. Bela trusted him, so I dared to tell that I had seen the portrait on the wall and it seemed to him to see Mr Nochelin annoying, what most never said you really spent. He told her that that picture was Lucrecia de Viena, the one great love of Pablo Nochelin, the problem was that she wanted to do it but he always promoted the illusion on him, only played and enjoyed the fame and money that he possessed. You cheated on him with another man and he fled the city with him, as a result of that Pablo ceased to believe in women, said that all were equal and that I would never again blindly believe.

Juan Alberto relied on Bela, why had told you everything. -Love may hurt us both-. Said Juan Alberto at the end of the conversation. -I think not-. Bela concluded. That comes bitter us is cling to the idea that we had loved someone, and that us has not reciprocated.