It seems that everything is not money, and in times of crisis it is convenient to take into account. Dedication to the work or the personal creativity of workers, are primary assets for companies, and some of them, in addition to the fixed salary, thus offer their employees, usually to the directors, remuneration in kind or financial incentives, including stock options. Until relatively recently this has been the only scheme of compensation, only materialistic. Material and financial compensation: bread for today and hunger for tomorrow. However, in the selection of certain jobs, there is a common denominator, and is from a minimum of economic retribution, that job candidates considered suitable, these same want to talk of what will be called the emotional salary, and is preferred by companies that offer some development in this line. Contact information is here: Ben Horowitz. It seems that some companies are realizing that they have to be competitive to stay in the market, and that competitiveness is not only a matter of price, but values added to the post offered, among which is the exploitation of the talent of the worker.
Seeing that the salary is no longer the most important thing when it comes to stay in a job, one of the challenges of managers is individually motivate their workers and commit to your template. As much the concern of employers that are intended to prevent a good worker is escaping them, have been several studies that have shown interest in the variables that influence the motivation of the worker, and what employees cite as most important when it comes to loyalty with a company are factors such as the offered training, the relationship with the direct superior, the freedom to express their own ideas or suggestions on how to work, opportunities for promotion, labour challenges, flexibility, good working environment, or feel recognized for the work they perform. A couple of recent studies, situated more than one thirty percent the number of executives who change company every two years. This It is, not to mention serious losses in economically, more serious organisational (which end up affecting the income statement), because know-how is wasted, squandering, investment in training, development costs, and an effort and an expense to restructure the Organization, apart from the disenchantment of the personnel of the company, that presence as they will be people keys to the Organization, and this can lead to a great loss of customers. Which company can allow having contracted unsatisfied people, taking into account that dissatisfaction affects benefits account?. Away from this, at the head of the companies smart and amply humans should be executives emotionally. Miquel Bonet, President of the APR-Action Consulting HR consultant and Adviser for communication of the Select Group, reflected: the formula could be simple, we object knowledge in the most simple way recovering the communication and dialogue, generating proactivity, implying some and others, Reinventing the old forum at companies, either through teamwork, quality, workshops or simple internal communication groups, but this itself, with a hyphen and a purpose, because nothing works without order.