Monthly Archives: December 2021


Criticism is a response instinctive, spontaneous and natural; It is a response of survival, but not development. We are critical by nature; so nobody can escape from criticism. Therefore, the problem is not in the review itself, but in the way in which we react to it. Criticism can be constructive or negative. In both […]


Hence, that no us should surprise you to comment: don’t lean on me nor me I support you: do flourish in the intimacy, with our integration what pleases us about ourselves. I feel loved by you in what I am: I feel comfortable and affectionate with your presence. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such […]


For which reason, and under appreciation of their own wording in rigorous research study, reading historical novels: La Science hides old Templar, we can perceive that it plasma us the Templar history of the lands of Castile with relentless wisdom, courage and wisdom historica-narrativa and essayist flowing above and, for literary hitch of the reader. […]

Internet Business

We define the words used in business begin to see definitions within the business market: a set of buyers of a product or service all those buyers of a product or service constitute a market. SEGMENT: Piece or cut part of a thing if we respond with market, would say that it is a part […]

Symphony Place

The voice had spoken of an accident from what? Who or who were the injured? Actually I had launched to the street without knowing anything, with an ignorant and almost mindless determination. I wasn’t particularly concerned; nor by my little logical reaction in those moments, nor by the news received that morning informing me that […]


I want you to do it. Do it. Be part of each other will conclude with the happiness that to remember it still gives me chills in the back.Some time later, say somehow, me di account that had passed too many hours for all feign that nothing had happened and despair began to overwhelm me. […]


A son and his father were walking in the mountains near Tibet. Suddenly, the son fell, injured his arm and shouted: Aych! To his surprise, he heard a voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain: Aych! Do with curiosity, the child shouted: who art thou? Does he received response: who art thou? Angry with the response, […]

Depilatory Creams

It acts on the aboveground part of the hair, keratin, transforming in a few minutes, in a soft, plastic, mass which can be removed easily using a spatula or simply with water. It is a quick shave (5-8 minutes), painless and comfortable. There are also special for sensitive skin creams. With this method of hair […]

Royal Academy

Love is beauty, harmony, faith, tolerance, tenderness and pleasure. And do not waste time looking for definitions for love, like happiness, is not to define it but to feel it, enjoy it … live it. Paul, the apostle of love, in his letter to the Romans provides a thorough study of the characteristics of love […]

Premarital Course

Prior to the wedding ceremony, it is important to know a few guidelines for action that must be performed in the course of the marriage, with the idea that everything in the best way, which will be learned through the premarital course, which also is a requirement with which the couple will have adequate preparation […]