Sports Medicine

Most likely, the regime is the same. But the subtlety necessary to match each for themselves, to feel – at least, more often, stronger, weaker, add bracing point he-gu, etc. etc. Selection of multiple modes for a man can be seen in the sections on our website denas and Sports Medicine, and Chronic fatigue and aging. The second and third series of experiments, researchers too clever by half – does not always work rule: The more – the better. (In these series of experiments during the first two weeks of electrostimulation carried out in a day) As a result, life expectancy and in the control and experimental groups was approximately 280 days. DENS-stimulation does not hurt and did not help. Investigations are continuing. I quote the authors: In the analysis differences in the results of the first and the other two series of experiments, attention is drawn to the following fact. The mice were very sensitive to the dance. Indeed, one session on the impact point of the E-Z6 lasted only 11.10 seconds, and One such session only once a week was enough to raise life expectancy and delay leukemia.

With such a high sensitivity of mice to Dens can not exclude that the variant stimulation, which was used in the second and third series of experiments, could be excessive. It is quite possible that the regime dance, which was used in the first series of experiments, also was not optimal because it was chosen empirically. Empirically, in translation means: just got lucky. Here you are, dear reader, what mode effects can you offer? What to look for? What do you think? By the way, the experiments go, not only of the regime. Appeared appliance DiDENS-DT (with lots of settings, with the ability to conduct individual selection of cosmetics, medicines) and small home laboratory “DiDENS-PC (maybe the same thing and DiDENS-DT + mode” BioFoll “+ the ability to track change its state (the story of his health) on the computer, etc.) Another interesting point. At 1.85 times extended, not all life, and from that moment when you started to extend. If you start with 30, then extend the most part, but if you begin to extend from 75, healthy, live a just life balance!