Tag Archives: administration and businesses

Quality Climate

In case that contrary, what she could be made in little time and with high degree of quality, she will be able to delay days to be concluded. To become the environment of more pleasant work and to conquer the comprometimento of the collaborators is important to offer a space where the employees can create […]

Brazilian Consumer

this valley also for the internal public. ady Stepper. That is, when knowing if its main public, that are the collaborating consumers and, they are contented with the company or not, it is possible to elaborate strategies to improve management in these two felt. (SHOW WINDOW OF THE RETAIL). If you have read about Blake […]

The State

The State comes, gradually, suffering to deep modifications and social transformations. The increasing one would reengenharia of the state being, its reorganization administrative politics and, but mainly conceptual, it imposes a serious and deep legal quarrel how much to the question of the protection to the people whom if they use of the public service. […]


Guided for a script of studies and guided for the professors you discipline of them previously mentioned, the researchers had carried through one interview (field research) the employees and had observed the internal environment of the establishment. For Marconi (1990, P. 75 apud ANDRADE, 2009, p.117), ' ' Research of field is that one used […]

Richard Scott Objectives

(HALL, 1984, P. 21) Already Barnard, (1938) through Hall, (1984) was a little different of Weber, but it agreed to it to diverse aspects, the same believed that the organization is & ldquo; of activities two more people or or a system forces conscientiously coordenadas& rdquo; (BARNARD, 1938, p.73) apud (HALL, 1984, p.21). Then, the […]

Legal Amaznia

Innovative capital: it is a program of support to the companies in the development of innovative activities of systematic form, understanding investments in equipment, constructions and projects. Technological innovation: new support of technological projects that aim at innovation in development of products and/or processes that involve technological risk and chances of market. Criatec program: this […]

Team Without Changing

The absolute majority of the Leaders already dreamed one day at least in possessing ' ' team ideal' ' , and, many times, find that the solution is in the exchange of its current team for the possibility of success with new members. The question is that, in the practical one, beyond expensive, to partially […]


However, before acquiring a surmounting it is necessary to search on the mark and its viability, if it will be viable, certainly, will be a differential. (LONGENECKER; MOORE; PETTY, 2004) In general the made available ones agree that, for that is starting its enterprising career, to undertake in surmountings it is more easy. In accordance […]


The promocional marketing, for being a tool that explores a dynamics on of the product, opens space for the development of the promocionais actions, what it comes getting resulted satisfactory of sales. 6.2.3 Promotion of sales Kotler and Keller (2006) appraises that the companies use the forms of promotion of sales to attract a more […]

The Users

It is for this cause that is necessary not alone to try to obtain a good positioning in the Google seno also to reach a reputation online of value, that is to obtain that other users say of its products and services well and recommends for its community, being each more frequent time the research […]