Monthly Archives: April 2013

The Municipality

Then ask for personal interviews, appointments, landlines, and a series of nonsense that are no longer required due to that if you want one learn can see the company, website if you want to buy can pay with western union or deposit to the account of the company. But they don’t want that, they want […]


For others, the empathy is empirical, it’s like an experience gained from the emotions of others through the perspectives taken from these and sympathy, defined as an emotional component of empathy. Wikipedia gives us in this regard, that empathy is the cognitive ability to feel what a different individual can perceive in a common context. […]

Funded Proposal Concept

The concept of the proposal funded or funded proposal concept is a new model for the presentation of business on the Internet. This revolutionary system was introduced by the visionary Ty Coughlin taking advantages of this Web 2.0 technology and which proposes auto-financiar your own marketing campaign to promote your business. It is this funnel-shaped […]