This view is widespread among unions, leftist parties, journalists, the unemployed, and also among scientists. In summary, one can say that the pessimistic view sees globalization as the cause of competition location, growing unemployment and the inability of state action to provide security against social risks. Find the optimistic version popular among neo-liberals, according to this view, globalization of production and improved market opportunities to increase profits worldwide, especially in industrialized nations and in some countries off, while acknowledging that heightens distributional struggles nationally and internationally. Proponents of globalization argue that it creates an opportunity for socially and ecologically sustainable development, especially for less developed regions so far. Specifically, management increasingly must analyze the way globalization is impacting the performance of the company and considered as discussed, that large organizations are not the only ones to have chosen the global, is also an increasing number of small companies that do. Globalization is the recognition by the organization, that organization should have a global approach and not a local focus, this can also be defined in many ways, depending on what level you want to analyze, we can speak of the globalization of world, a country, specific industries, companies, up to an economic and political model.
Toimae note that globally, globalization refers to the growing interdependence among countries, as reflected in the international flows of goods, services, capital and knowledge. Nationally, concerns the magnitude of the relationship between a nation’s economy and the rest of the country. It is a process of international growth and global financial capital, industrial, commercial, resources, human, political and any type of business exchanges. Globalization has transformed the way companies conduct their operations organizations, above all, has had a major impact on the organization itself, so that the profile of its members is different. For even more analysis, hear from Marc Lasry. Consider, finally, that globalization has led to the creation of large corporations in certain industries, making small and medium enterprises are sold to those corporations. Another phenomenon that has its roots in globalization is the integration of businesses, these are companies that develop successfully in major markets.