Tag Archives: education & career

GenoBau Strengthens The Competence In The Care Sector With Mr Lars Meier

Orange Blue – the GenoBau target purchase housing association EC will strengthen their management and industry expertise in the field of estate agent support. Learn more about this with Ben Horowitz. Orange Blue is Munich, December 9, 2010 the GenoBau target purchase housing association EC, reinforced their management and industry expertise in the field of […]

Institute Module

In the ifsm training ‘Principle of minimal guidance’ leaders learn to achieve more effect with less effort. “How I should deal with it all?” How should I meet all the requirements imposed on me? ” One hears such complaints often of (prospective) managers specially in the infamous sandwich position”in the company. One reason for this […]

ICT Training

Fraunhofer Academy presented at CeBIT in-service offerings providing Fraunhofer Academy from 6 to 10 March at the CeBIT in-service training programmes in the areas of embedded systems, software architecture, security, and usability engineering before. The courses, certificate courses and seminars of the Fraunhofer Academy based on the know-how of the Fraunhofer institutes and provide participants […]

Nibelungen Street

Speak English can be learned as easily as the mother tongue will be English at many schools and other institutions taught. The traditional manner as English is taught, qualified but to speak the least, the language really fluently. The tuition – and language school Garcia & Karkhanis has chosen a different path. The natural approach, […]

Efficient Information Search

The new Web portal Weiterbildungsmarkt.at creates an overview for those interested in education and the human resources development training market is online since end of November 2011. The new continuing education portal combines latest Web technology with an intelligent search logic and a fresh and appealing design. The search filter that are specifically defined for […]

With The Bachelor

As a student you devoted much time and effort to writing the own Bachelor thesis. For many students, it is a life’s work. The more important it is to read correctly and fluently. The good old diploma work is since the Bologna reform more and more by their two-stage successors replaced: Bachelor and master. Already […]

Integrata Get Authorized Training Partner By GPM On Board

The versatile certified expert Dietmar Prudix supports Integrata in Stuttgart project management, 24.10.2013 – the expert and free consultant Dietmar Prudix supports Integrata AG as a product manager in the field of project management. The experienced HR management, coach, mediator and authorized training partner (ATP) the GPM oversaw numerous projects in the HR and organization […]

Spa Swimming

Part-time and promoted to the ‘leadership for bad companies’ a central theme in everyday life by masters for bathing establishments is competent assistance in all specific hazardous situations of everyday professional life and the transfer of this knowledge to trainees. It is for accidents of vital importance that a sure and think about trading first […]