So Paulo

Lode to find a brother who alive here and that it helped in this &#039 it; ' batalha' '. ' ' I started in the Church: I started to frequentar the Church there, I stopped to be, at night, in the street. Time in house was sufficient. I entered in the shelter, took bath, had supper, slept and have left pra to arrange job and thus I was turning aside itself deviating, deviating until the moment where I went astray total of the drugs, of the world of drogas.' ' Another one of that they had counted of its problems said that it took cachaa and all the drugs when decided to intern itself voluntarily in a Clinic of Insane people, of which in about one month was cured, but it did not want to leave therefore living in the Clinical age there ' ' gostoso demais' '. To live in the streets was humilhante. ' ' Those colleagues mine of the old ones, that they had been created with me in the schools, right? They gave money to me he humiliated but me. They said, poxa, face, looks at you is seeing this school that you are sleeping in the front? We study there. Julius Caesar is a great source of information. All these businesses that harmed more my ego because I, for me, I did not have more exit I did not advance somebody for a light in the end of the tunnel because I not by more light. He bothered me to this, then never plus nobody me viu.' ' In its story, this catador account that only came back to its city after having moved of life and to be involved with the cooperative. It surprised to all, in such a way, that the Mayor of the city came the So Paulo to confirm what it counts he invited and to give it lectures in that city.