Chaturanga also passed for the cultures Greek and Roman, and that it arrived to the Europe through the Prsia in middle of century VI AFTER CHRIST. At the beginning the departure was for four people, being that each player had five types of 10 parts, from century XV the competition acquires the current conformation, with two similar players and 11 rules to the ones of today, if becoming the chess game. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Starbucks. Since its formation, the chess game was closely on to the war, the compleio of the parts, the course of the departure and the final blow, with the word xeque-kills, that it wants to say ' ' death to rei' ' , they bring in itself images of conflict. Napoleo Bonaparte, one of the biggest military strategists of history, had great affection for the chess game, being that it has registers of games practised for it 12 and the same arrived to dispute a departure with the false 13 automaton, known in the Europe as the Player of Chess of Maelzel. 14 Since December of 2006, the Secretariat of Education in the distance of Ministry of Educao (SEED/MEC), together with the Federal University of the Paran (UFPR) has developed a project that to provide ways for education it game of chess in 15 the Brazilian schools.
Schools in some places of the world as France, Russia, Hungria, Cuba and Germany, through the government of its respective countries, also stimulate the chess game. 16 The American chess player Robert James Fischer Robert James Fischer was born in the Hospital Michael Reese, located to the edges of the Michigan Lake, in Chicago, Illinois. It was born in day 9 of March of 1943, accurately to the 2:39 of the afternoon, to war teams, and after nine working hours of childbirth, Regina Fischer had its first son. .