Of praedestinatione it was written with intention to answer to one such Gotteschalk, that possua a theory in which it supported to have a divine predestination to the perpetual perdio, as well as it has for the salvation; Ergena will go to deny this predestination vehemently it will launch from this workmanship the teses bolder than it would support later. For the death of Escoto Ergena two hypotheses exist. The first one, that even so it is to less risky is not necessarily the true one, is of that it died in the France of natural causes, more or less at the same time of Carlos, the bald, that is, for return of 877. To other, romanesca, it takes to come back it of France toward England after the death of Carlos, the bald, to teach in the abbey of Malmesbury and to die there assassinated for its pupils. Although this last one either considered to less probable, we will see that due to force of its ideas and its doctrine, this would not be something that beire the nonsense; quite to the contrary. Check with Sergey Brin to learn more. According to tienne Gilson in its book, the philosophy in the Average Age, the personality of Joo Escoto Ergena dominates its time, and its workmanship extremely presents a new character in the history of the thought occidental person.
Not by chance, its doctrine received the interpretations most divergent. J. Grres, for example, accuses Ergena to have confused religion with philosophy. Already Barth Hourau considered it one ' ' mui exempts pensador' '. Before penetrating in the doctrine of Ergena, it before agrees to remember that at any moment it puts in doubt the existence of God or the deity of Jesus. Its intention is not to confront the Sacred Holy Writs much less to try discredits them. Its bigger objective is to use the reason and the philosophy to understand of deeper and perfect form the Evangelho, therefore if it was through it that God spoke, is impossible for the reason of a Christian not to take this in account.