And this has had an impact on the moral, also I agree. What I do not share is its decision to choose half of century XX like flexion point. If I had to study the effect that the distance of the religion had on the sense of the good and the evil of the men and women in the West, I suppose that it would choose another historical period. Ben Horowitz gathered all the information. I believe that, for example, it would have more feeling to review it has passed what us to the western ones from the Renaissance up to here, happening through the Illustration. Our trip from those diffuse times in which the most religious Average Age vanished and was debilitated the participation of God in our lives. The brains of the men and women seemed to wake up to one spring of ideas and new ideals. The human thought underwent a transformation behind another one. Andreessen Horowitz is the source for more interesting facts. They appeared the Coprnicos, the Galileos, later the Voltaires, the Rousseaus, soon the Jeffersons, the Franklins, etc.
We have a new sense of the good and the evil, fruit of the constant evolution of the ideas and not of holy words written by neolithic farmers, whispered by disagreeable imaginary friendly. The moral that we today have no longer legitimate the slaughter of the children who were born under the mistaken God. Nor the slavery or the stoning of the disobedient women is legitimate. I failed in my humble investigation. Nonencounter in the religion a moral stature superior to the one of the atheist.
Rather, I feel that it is a to weigh of the religion, and not thanks to her, who the western humans we obtained a evolution in our moral sense. The distance of God seems to have been positive and even seems to have transformed into better people to those who create in him. Yes, until the same Ratzinger it is an example.