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' ' Generally the administrative structure is minimum, in the certainty of that the papelada one represents only one expenditure generated for legal requirements and tributrias' '. (BORBA). Games of being able are characteristic of the familiar companies (1), where many times more valley the ability politics of what the administrative capacity (2) influences of the family where the main value are the relationships, (3) difficulties in the separation between what it is emotional and rational, tending more for the emotional one; (4) valuation of the antiquity as attribute that surpasses the requirement of effectiveness or ability. (BORBA). In the familiar organization, the owner of the business can be to the one alone time, most valuable, but also the most onerous human resources of the company (SIQUEIRA). Thus, ' ' the ideal is to write the laws that guide the actions, as criteria for the entrance of familiar in the organization, benefits and remuneration (FERNANDES). Research carried through for the Getlio Foundation Vargas through the Brazilian Institute of Economia (IBRE)? Study of Perception of the Invested one it disclosed that the corporative governana is the item more important not-financier observed by the national investors; 60.23% of the interviewed ones (PERIODICAL VALUE).

In U.S.A. the expression corporate governance was brother-in-law in reference to the problems of governana in the scope of the corporations. In Brazil he has its correspondent in the company or society for actions, regulated since the Law of the s.a. n 6,404/76 (RODRIGUES), where the operational limits start for the separation between the property and the control of firm, that characterize the structure of the corporation, and mean that it is possible them managers to take decisions that the shareholders favor. Therefore he is basic to implant a series of mechanisms to limit these administrative resolutions, of form to maximize the liquid benefits for the shareholders, owners and proprietors of the company. Get all the facts and insights with Stuart Solomon, another great source of information.