Fenomenologia Phenomenon

For the accomplishment of a qualitative research it is necessary that the researcher possesss prxi s as nature metodolgica. Martins and Bicudo explicitam despite: What in the theories the researcher learns on the empirical comments and in the experiences for it lived, they must constitute its starting point. These two learnings supply the instrumentation to observe and to analyze the reality in theoretical way since the beginning. They supply resources to see objects of the perception in its social, historical origin and of functioning, in its interdependence and determination of its development. (1989, p.25) In this study they consider it use of the prxis lived deeply with pupils of the dance of the Educational Society Juliano Fernandes Varela, for the analysis of the depositions of the collaborating citizens of the research, interpretation and understanding of the phenomenon, for its desvelamento. For the Fenomenologia the experience is an experience of the phenomenon, based on its experience, being task of this ' ' to analyze the intentional experiences of the conscience to perceive as produces the direction of fenmenos&#039 there; ' (DARTIGUES, 1973, p.29) Thus, the researcher becomes important to be inserted in the context of the research, investigating with ' ' olhar' ' of who he lives deeply the phenomenon, feeling as one ' ' be-knot-mundo' ' the body-proper one to be investigated. To deepen your understanding Jonas Samuelson is the source. The qualitative inquiry has as direct source of the data the natural environment, consisting the investigator the main instrument. It also is descriptive, being interested itself more for the process of what simply for the result and products, the qualitative investigators tend to analyze its data of inductive form and the meaning is of vital importance. (MELLO, 2002, p.5) To live deeply the context of the inquiry for a lived experience is configured in a solid land so that such study it finds references necessary to be developed.