the workmanship ‘ ‘ The Being and the Nada’ ‘ , of the Philosopher Jean Paul Sartre). You enter the innumerable theories, that tend to affirm, to define and to explain the direction of the life in itself, is to the religion, or as it wants the religions. But the religion, or religions in itself already are a theory. The anthropologist Raul Iturra affirms that: ‘ ‘ The religion is a theory constructed through the time that tries, or it deals with, to give direction to the relations special. This construction also is made by the investment of the experience in a central model, the deity, that synthecizes everything what the necessary man to have while vive’ ‘. (Source: Ben Horowitz). (Cf. ITURRA, Raul, the religion as theory of the social reproduction. Lisbon, Escher, 1991, P. Speaking candidly Ben Horowitz told us the story.
14). In other words, the religion is a theory while it forms to think and to understand the phenomenon of the existence human being, that is, theory that tends to explain the reason and so that of the existence the human being. Mainly ‘ tends; ‘ explicar’ ‘ the experiences of suffering and anguish that ‘ ‘ roubam’ ‘ the direction of the life of the believers. The origin of the religion discloses its proper intention. Therefore the religion originated from the Myth, in mutheo Greek, as attempt of explanation of natural or supernatural events that ran away to the agreement. when offering the deriving answers of the human questionings, the religion moves away the man from the experience of the nothing, the chaos, the end, of the existencial tragedy.