Tag Archives: psychology


Care! Without the force auto-love in them we become victims of we ourselves, therefore to the one placing in them in the hand of other voluntarily, in the hope who will go to take care of and to fight for us and that they will be right with us, in giving what we find deserving, […]

Social Integration

Basaglia compared the colony of mentally ill, to a field deconcentrao, strengthening denunciations of bad-treatments and violence that already haviamsido made. The media gave to extreme importance to the visit of Basaglia to Brazil, eacabou producing one fort and decisive influence in the trajectory of the Brazilian ReformPsiquitrica. In this same time cineasta Helvcio Ratton […]

The Proposal

The justification is the reason that the research must be made and the objectives are what it is intended with the inquiry. Noble Founder may help you with your research. In the methodology she is necessary a formal description of the methods and used techniques and also the carried through readings. The main elements of […]

Light Ruler

Year for the Scorpions and Skorpionok comes pretty strange. Recall the classic "all mixed up in a house Oblonskys" – would be appropriate to say "the house of Scorpio. The fact that the year is replete with the influence of two different, opposite in temperament, but similar in its effect on humans and the world […]


In comparison to the other species of animals, the human being is what it is born less mature and what delays more to develop itself. Had to this, the attachment behavior also it takes more time to appear of what in the other animals. Of general form, babies of three months of age already answer […]


For the worker its bigger challenge will be to reach the objectives of the expatriation and the center of its life is the Organization. As Black and Mendenhali (1990) expatriated them to get success in an international assignment, are necessary characteristics related to the cross-cultural interaction, as: abilities related to the preservation of I (mental […]

Organizational Activities

For example, a deviation from the equilibrium state of "need – activities" (dialectical form of development which is the individual consciousness), ie with the birth of the body's need for violation of its homeostasis, the birth of the "struggle" (in this case, the birth of activities aimed at restoring homeostasis) in the following order. For […]


Being thus, the Psycotherapy is a process of aid, personal development and self-knowledge, that the increase of the perception promotes that the individual has exactly of itself. Already the Coaching has as focus auxiliary those that, until perhaps satisfied with its lives, search to still reach bigger resulted. This work appeared of the esportiva area, […]

Internet Investment

Do times are tough, the economic situation is not as to wasting money on opportunities that do not work, an internet business is really profitable?, how much should I invest? is there a good return on investment?. they are constant concerns that have those people who want to start a business on the internet. For […]

Abstract System

The system is abstract, the reality is concrete. Then, the subject to about the choice becomes basic in the philosophy existncialismo Kiekegaardiano, it is as if it was a nucleus of the existence human being. To create a philosophy on of the choice is also to assume the anguish that this backwards. The choice is […]