
In comparison to the other species of animals, the human being is what it is born less mature and what delays more to develop itself. Had to this, the attachment behavior also it takes more time to appear of what in the other animals. Of general form, babies of three months of age already answer the mother in different way and the attachment behavior is developed by all infancy. The behavior of attachment in the adult life is a continuation of the behavior developed in infancy. Some studies demonstrate that the main bonds established in first infancy go to extend themselves for all life of the individual. The quality of the care come of the mother or the main cuidador, can provide more favorable conditions in the aspects physical and affective-social of the child.

The stimulation of the interpersonal relations in infancy is of utmost importance, therefore, to if relating with adults, pairs or with animals, the child acquires social abilities of conviviality as affection, respect and care. The development of the safe attachment is an indicative for good prognostic of infantile development. The parental love is influenced by some pointers proceeding from the parents, the children and the situation, as the degree of certainty of the genetic kinship father-son, certain fenotpicos attributes of the child, situacionais pointers of the aptitude of the child, of the reproductive alternatives of the mother and chances of investment of the father and the mother. One notices, therefore, that it has some determinative biological and cultural ones for the parental investment. The studies on the development of attachment between the collecting societies are sufficiently suggestive of the affective net basic human being and the adaptativo value of the attachment. Our mind if developed to decide problems of our hunting and collecting ancestor of the Pleistocene. It was the way of life of them that it forged great part of the mental structures that we make use today, because what we know as history, in biological terms, it represents one few generations, what it is not enough to generate and to consolidate the necessary adaptations to the social life. Click Jim Umpleby to learn more.