The amount of garbage found in the riverbed and spread by the edges also was a preoccupying factor stops we, therefore find next to the garbage packings of used agrotxicos products in the farming in contact with the water, these products contaminate the water the fish and the people and take years to degrade themselves. The small water stream also served of ticket cattle to go it of an edge to another one of the land of the agriculturist who is cut by this stream, not possessing no bridge for ticket of these animals. 2. DETAILING OF the WORK IN the SMALL FARM Observing the form with that the ambient question was dealt for that family, we can understand as that small small farm in the interior of the city had fond of such point of ecological degradation. did not exist in the mind of those small producers no ecological sense and of as to proceed to prevent that the so important stream for the cattle creations one day is left to exist.
The first step that demons to initiate our work of restoration of that degraded area was to catalogue the species of bush that contained that ciliar bush, and discovers the necessity of acquires changes of pioneering type species that if develops with good adaptation in shade, in view of that in the place still possua trees of great transport, these changes then would be planted next to the water course that cuts this country property, recompondo thus the ciliar bush that possua local that they were absent or devoid of this bush. After bought the changes, demons beginning to the plantation of the same ones searching local appropriate and making the coroamento before the plantation, with hollows of 30 cm (thirty centimeters) of depth. The following step was the cleanness of the stream in a perimeter of one hundred meters, removing of the stream bed diverse types of materials brought for rain and erosion, these materials had been placed in stock markets and taken to be collected for the municipal garbage collection, also made the removel of hindrance of places where the stream met sanded, removing of the stream bed rocks, twigs and much land.