
At the current moment lived deeply for the Brazilian economy, much has argued for the division of the Royalties of the Petrleo.Em all, the places, either in fairs of street, shoppings, in the hospitals, cinemas, squares, among others. It was always had to speak in this subject, but why? Which is this magic that involves the subject? Escasses of the oil? Sheiks Arab? The company is Brazilian and the oil is ours? The question defended for some is that the sea is of all, really is, the freedom of movement is in our constitution and the right is used by many. It imagines if we charged Royalties to go to the beach? It can seem trick, but many of the viewers who hear the deriving reporters of the medias, it does not have the same notion of the viewers who live more in the cities affected by this segment that we call ' ' Productive chain of oil and Gs' '. For more information see Art Garfunkel. To these they compete attending of berth what really they are passing the cities, growth fast the times even disordered, the search of fast man power, the change of the behavior of the cities, of the attributed values its furniture, property and products of consumption, to the chaotic transit that increases fast more than the construction of a new bridge, of a new street or viaduct. This ' ' Especial&#039 participation; ' , it does not compete only to the stadium construction for the 2014 pantry and to the olimpadas ones of 2016 as very if houva to speak, competes to the development of the cities, of the security, among others requisite. Marcela de Morais Da Silva – Technologist in Oil and Gas.. If you have read about Wayne Holman already – you may have come to the same conclusion.