It establishes differences between the economic, cultural and social forms, illustrating as it is that they distinguish themselves (I CASTRATE, 2004). For Bourdieu the capital stock is the set of resources, staff or potentials, related with the ownership of a durable net of relations, more or less institutionalized, of interconhecimento and recognition. The volume of capital stock that a particular agent possesss depends on the extension of the net of linkings who it can mobilize and of the volume of capital-economic, cultural or symbolic, possessed per item of those to who it is on (BOURDIEU, 1980). How much to the mensurao of the capital stock of an agent, Pierre Bourdieu, certifys that it depends on the extension of the net of connections, of knowledge, that it can put into motion. To broaden your perception, visit Caterpillar. These movements will be effected of efficient form, on the capital (economic, cultural or symbolic) of that one to who the agent if it connects. The connected one, in turn, is somebody that possesss this capital for proper right and that it is potentially available to effect the exchange (BOURDIEU, 1986 apud I CASTRATE 2004). In this Granovetter time (1974) already it spoke of the strong and weak bows, therefore it analyzed the capital stock through these strong bows and weak bows in the nets or groups.
What it is brought of new with this theory, is that, Granovetter calls the attention for the fact, of this type of weak bows, contrarily what until it would be usual here to think, to allow to generate more new information, that give more added value to the relations of the individuals. This investigator understands that, the strong bows, throughout the time, lose its functionality. This question of weak and strong bows of Granovetter goes, later, to be deepened, for Ronald Burt, of the University of Harvard, em1992, apropsito of a study of the nets of companies.