The calculation of the retention is one of the subjects that more interest as far as the index personal income tax 2011. These tables when they appear are of a great importance for all the working sector, because therefore the right amounts of payment according to the wage capacity settle down. Traditionally, the taxes always have been difficult to structure under a legal frame. That is to say, that in spite of the many campaigns that have trained around one better re-training of this class from payments the government, the central organisms have not waked up. Or better, they have become of fat view. For that reason, the capacity of payment of each worker must be indicated clearly in the PERSONAL INCOME TAX. This is not an accidental process, but it demands of a clear knowledge of the percentage that they involve to diverse economic factors like the retention and the financial method. When these processes are standardized, the faculties to approach this index are excellent.
He is precise then to create payment plans that certainly are in agreement with the greater yield of the general percentage that will help to Central government to maintain limits. It more than is verified when the control organisms make the tables. The values do not vary much. This means that the labor force still has an important one to be able of decision, of execution. Not always it is thus when the government must reduce the percentage to historical minimums of reinvestment that by the way is more evident with the process of terminal revaluation. The terms of payment always are strict, which can make think wholesale about a flexibility.
Clearly; in this modality the workers can be welcomed who are fulfilled with the majority or all the payments. But he is something evident that the tables become stabilized with percentage, the prices of the wages continue being elementary. It is not possible to be denied that the PERSONAL INCOME TAX more is integrated due to the Spanish economic crisis. Certainly this does not mean that the situation follows in the same way by an indefinite time, because something that is important to consider is the re-evaluation of the payments. In addition, if we consider so surprising number of terms is something very positive. But this can obey more to risk factors that prehorseradish tree in the general economy. Logical that always factors like unemployment are put of flank, like the Gross Internal Product, but it is a subject that does not stop extending formally. According to the yield index, the PERSONAL INCOME TAX is going to be a subject that this year will be of first flat one. Or at least therefore many financial analysts create, who know of the resolving power of the administrative percentage that certainly will not be bread of a single day. He will try himself then to restore new parameters with the tables, as more possibilities of investment and cleaning are discovered that are more in agreement with the meaning of financial integration more joust for the workers. He is something fundamental.