According to Sheep (2000), still thus, the existing legal apparatuses are not enough to hinder the particularizao and occupation it aboriginal territory. For if dealing with extensions of lands that take care of to the capitalist yearnings and as consequence, they project interferences politics and of legislative character that they influence the positivao and efetivao of the aboriginal rights, from the distinction to the point of confluence of interests and concerns of raised spread that implies in expressive way in agrarian politics, ambient, migratory and related to the economic development of the country. In this direction, the expansion of the economic borders, discharges in diverse sectorial politics, in which the execution mobilizes powerful governmental organisms and favors enterprises that represent vultuosos national and foreign investments. Ahead of this context, the aboriginal peoples have demanded, of increasing form, the recognition of its basic rights and respect for the territorial and cultural rights, aiming at a control of its proper destination (GRAY, 2000).
Such affirmation is confirmed by means of the verbal stories of this research that declare the essence of the aboriginal claims. The indians point out the necessity of a directed economic plan to the aboriginal villages, since great majority of these lives in conditions of high social vulnerability. They also complain of the absence of state initiatives that stimulate the auto-sustainable productions in the villages, a time that the interventions if limit the distribution of basic food baskets. From the interpretation carried through for the interviewed one, such assistance never must have been conceived, since she is antagonistic to the imensurvel mineral and ecological patrimony of the aboriginal lands, that source of resource of the communities characterizes (Maria of the Favours, 2009). In this direction, and considering the legal prerogatives that if attempt against to the social vulnerabilities, the publication of the Organic Law of Social Assistance – LOAS, in 1993, makes use concerning the social assistance, as explicit its Article 2 – only Paragraph: The social assistance is become fullfilled of form integrated to the sectorial politics, aiming at to the confrontation of the poverty, to the guarantee of the social minimums, to the provisions of conditions stops to take care of social contingencies and to the universalizao of the social rights.