Tenth that the traditional man is marked by a division of rolls of sort, from this position is conceived that the first great difference is that the woman takes care of the private space – for example the home and the children – while the man to the public – to work outside the home. A society that maximizes the statement, does not evaluate that private world because it considers that in ” that world ” the works that are realised there are in background, are not important, yes it is considered important what it is outside the house, and ” that outside or the other ” it implies dangers for which there are to be preparation, something that does not own – according to traditional mandates – the children nor the women, for that reason possibly the men ” yes they are educated of an advisable way ” : they can fight against the dangers, for that reason the man is valorized positively. This way, the model of ” was constructed; typical or traditional man ” that he owns a place of privilege and domination with respect to the woman. Now, the question is: this model is at present? . We can respond affirmatively and negatively because the present culture is crossing different changes, alterations in their dynamics exist that can imply advances and backward movements, visualize some advances with respect to the stereotypes and rolls assigned to each sex, and this hits in that traditional model, those changes can be due to crisis situations, to the advance of movements of women like of competing men to this type of model, to materials of reading with abierta, modern glance, without prejudices and restrictions, and in this sense, I believe that this one is the correct way for the growth of a society. Bibliography: *Bourdieu, Pierre: The masculine domination. Publishing Anagram.
Barcelona. 2000 *Margulis, Mario and others: Youth, culture and sexuality. The cultural dimension in the affectivity and the sexuality of the young people of Buenos Aires. Biblos.2003 editorial ** Fragmento of the investigation Sort and prejudice by Miriam Gualberto. University of Buenos Aires.