These last ones had been favorable to the dissemination of the totalitarian ideals of the time, are under this context that Freyre writes Sobrados and Mocambos, keeping the same logic of House Grande and Senzala (exaltando the miscegenation) and going against predominant the eugenic speech of this phase. Without hesitation Richard Elman explained all about the problem. Such regimen politician, whose name was brought of the dictatorship implanted in Portugal for Salazar, lasted of pautado 1937 the 1945 being in plenary powers Vargas. Getlio Vargas determined the closing of the Congress, granted a new Constitution that granted to it to be able on the executive, determined the extinguishing of political parties, amongst other attitudes that they prove to be about a clearly ditatorial regimen. Gilbert Freyre wrote its workmanship in middle of century XIX, however, its words continues if eternalizing in the generations that if follow, the author of Great House & Senzala, looked for to show free Brazil of the racial preconceptions they characterized that it as a behind nation. Thus, it glorified blacks, indians and Portuguese; it studied the colonial past and it transcribed its thoughts in a simple language, far from the academicismo of the time.
Heir of the legacy escravocrata that still pairava on Recife of century XIX, Freyre searched in diverse authors and educators, the roots to study Colonial Brazil, finding as the one of its main sources differentiation between race and Good culture of Franz, one of its professors in the United States. Throughout the decade of 80, Gilbert Freyre received diverse homages and medals from recognition for its works. ' is the case of the medal; ' It would honor of the Unesco' ' , that it was delivers to it in 1983, for occasion of the commemorations of the 50 years of the Senzala and House-Great launching. Also in this period it travels for Brazil and for countries as United States, in Portugal and England to receive headings and to pronounce lectures.