In accordance with escolaridade 25% of the interviewed ones has only basic education, 25% average education and 50% have superior education (graphical III). Percentage of people in accordance with the etria band: E. Superior= 25%; E. Mdio=50%; E. Fundamental=25% In accordance with graph IV, 45% of the interviewed ones says that it offers of the plastic bag is not the differential in the choice of the supermarket and that it would not move if the same left to offer the bag, whereas 55% say that it is essential and indispensable the use of the plastic bag. Of interviewed 70% it would not be made use to take to the supermarket one another alternative to load its merchandises in the place of the plastic bag, whereas only 30% would be made use to take its proper transport half as it is shown in graph V. Percentage of people who would change of supermarket if this did not offer plastic bag: YES: 55%; NOT: 45% Percentage of people that would be made use to use one another alternative to load its merchandises: YES: 30%; NOT: 70% Were verified that 90% of the interviewed ones reuse the received plastic bags in the supermarkets. It enters the forms most used are preservation of garbage, transport of other materials and merchandises.
The others 10% say not to reuse sacolinha, playing them directly in the garbage, shown in graph VI. Of the total of interviewed 95% it has conscience that the abusive use of plastic bags can cause some ambient problem and 5% find that not cause no ambient problem, represented in graph VII. Of that they find that the bag can cause some ambient damage asked the type of problem and observed the following answers: increase in the amount of garbage, problem with the fertilizao of the ground, blockage of sewers, gas pollution, emission when burnt, death of animals when ingested.