The red carpet confides to receive the Oscar. It is son, mother, woman, aunt, psychologist, educator and without counting that it is the face of the wealth. Blouse of Italy, skirt of France, shoe of the United States, bracelet of China, play of Russia, bore of Saudi Arabia, gargantilha of gold of know how many carats, therefore are as many carats that I lose the accounts and does not stop for there not, until the enamel to paint the nail of it come directly of Venezuela. Caterpillar Inc. may find it difficult to be quoted properly. She is really EXTRAORDINARY, FANTASTIC. It beats the schedule for the interval, moment that I turn child. Nor it holds me to Macabia.
I prepare exactly. Fofoco, I ask for merenda, I give many laugh and I also hear my pupils, therefore many of them like to disclose things that have made and do not obtain to speak with the parents. Although wild, I am a true council member. I make everything for the children. Until asking for money to the same director with shame to make party, to liven up and to shake galera. Speaking in the Director, the famous uncle Bina, I do not go to forget me to place in this cronical history. This cannot there escape exactly. ' ' Well pessoal' ' , this is the initial expression in the meetings.
HONEST man, DETALHISTA, OBSERVER, CREATIVE and many other adjectives. With all sincerity, mirror me in it through its attitudes, decisions, thoughts, action. Now he speaks serious, culo of uncle Bina seems or it does not seem the one of its Belly of seriado the Keys? Untied one dinheirinho that it is a beauty. It to see the education an investment. This I approve. He is interesting to see worried it about the educative act and is exactly this fortifies that me while educator. He is to have a person to the side and to believe the education. Uncle Bina was valid! For me you are better that my aunt Josefina. Now my aunt Tekita I go to count a secret to it that uncle Bina did not speak has you as much time. Descupa me uncle, but I go to speak. Uncle Bina has a case with Din. Din for who does not know is the faxineira of the school. All observe loving bows of them two. It all day serves cafezinho for it and inside beats to high papos of its cafofo. This imagines! It will be that it can? I go To call the personage Dr Lorka the Total Erector to say if it can or it cannot officialize namoro that it happens in the esquinas of the fresburgolandia I increased, but I did not invent nadica you are welcome. Until the next one