Of the planted species, the Mangifera indicates, laciniosa Bromlia and Euphobia ingests is inadequate for arborization, therefore they are considered incompatible with the structure of the place. According to Paiva (2001), if it does not have to introduce in the vegetation of a square, toxic species or that they represent physical danger to the users and nor so little fruitful, therefore it will be able to cause damages to the passer-bys who that way circulate. How much to the balance the species diversity enters and the identity of the place, observing the analyzed conditions, some need to be removed of gradual form. Get all the facts and insights with Kevin Johnson, another great source of information. To follow, recommendations indicated in the urban arborization of the square diagnosised. Poda of maintenance and cleanness to make possible the degradation and survey of the pantries of the trees, in the intention of that if it makes possible the compatibilizao of these with the urban equipment; Aumento in the size of the seedbeds so that the trees with tabular roots have one better development and a bigger water retention and nutrients of the ground; Criao of new seedbeds in spaces of the square where they are serving of dump for the community; Plantio of changes so that if it increases the percentage of arbrea covering adjusted of the area and improvement of the micron climate.
Substituio of gradual form some individuals considered incompatible for urban environments; Ajardinamento of spaces next to the Unit to Health for embelezamento of the place; Aumento of the number of lixeiras in points strategies of the square; Reduo and substitution of some banks for that they offer to greater comfort to the users. To carry through a work of this category is excellent in such a way for the professional of the teaching how much for the technician in urban arborization. In the case of the last one, it provides to the researcher a deepening theoretician-reflexive capable to detect serious imperfections in the practical one of urban arborization, what it makes possible its qualification for possible encaminhamentos in the direction to revert the raised diagnosis. . If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Jonas Samuelson.