The Port

But a system of efficient storage of harvests does not exist. The paranaense port area does not obtain to at least storage 10% of the harvest of solid granaries. One politics integrated between the agricultural productive system and the system of transport does not exist twirl-railroad worker in relation to the Port of Paranagu. Fact easily proven by the kilometric lines that if they form in the highway that binds Curitiba to the Paranagu. The Port of Paranagu does not possess a system capable to absorb an increase of 25% of exportvel load demand. The system of is compromised. An example is of contineres. In the way of access to the port terminal, innumerable clamped patios with contineres exist and an enormous transit of sucateados trucks making the transport.

If a population cannot sacrifice, in its welfare, security, environment and transit in relation not the existence of appropriate ways for the trucks with destination to the port. The lack of a planning is clamorous. What one has become until then, are action of emergency. When it is said in exportations saw Port of Paranagu, has of if leading in consideration that the biggest exporting port of grains of the country, will have to lose its ability for the ports northeast, a time that if makes Real the growth of the agronegcio and the sector of mining, in a next future a time that new borders of the agronegcio are if consolidating, in case that if it does not make the due investments? of the field to the bilge of the ship -. But nor everything is despairing. The state government is enough to create a force apartidria task and without sponsorship politician, to search next to available Inframar, Infrawharves, and Infraport, values in the order of R$ 400 million for port improvements. As well as calling the private initiative to assume in part new port workmanships, new modal (Guarapuava railroad? Paranagu) and in special the alternative stretch that binds Curitiba to the Paranagu, that already it counts on ready viaducts, bridges, tunnels and stream bed.