Much has been said on sustainable odesenvolvimento of the Amaznia. Pormas opinions divergem a little (or very) between government epopulao. For the government desenvolvimentoest supported in the still bigger exploration naturias derecursos. Also with the foreign decapital participation, putting at risk the proper Native sovereignty danossa. But the objective of this text no to criticize, but yes to point new alternatives, more coherent and ecologically correct. We need to understand that we are vivendotempos different, where all the measures that foresee desenvolvimentoeconmico they will have to respect, and to recoup, the nature.
An excellent alternative for really responsible umcrescimento would be to stimulate produode carbon credits. All we know that the countries will poluicorestero to diminish its emissions of gases queauxiliam the Effect Greenhouse, or Global Heating. One of these would formasseria through the acquisition of credits decarbono of the countries that to obtain to diminish its emissions and, in this question, Brazil possess one excellent market. As much naquesto of areas, how much in it offers of man power. Our idea is ageguinte: Instead of assisting a development they apoiadoem degradation, that in them would place in bigger risks ecolgicosainda, we suggest that the government makes one levantamentosobre the real conditions of the Amaznia. Which reaque already was deforested and which the area that still good conditions possumosem. To break dese survey, ogoverno would register in cadastre marginal populations, or pessoasque is working in the deforestation, and would pass empregaressas people in the recovery of the maisdegradadas areas. It would stimulate the medicinal plantation of local trees, dervores and of fruitful trees. Hajavista that all will be very important in a next future, where we will have world-wide food crisis and previsible phenomena naturaispouco Of this form the nature ganhariacom its recovery would populaesganhariam, them with the change of its degradatrios habits, and the governments also would have its benefits nacomercializao of the carbon credits would queobteriam with these activities.