Small Agriculturists

For the public investment in vehicles of communication of popular character, communitarian, of social interest and that they stimulate the diversification of sources and distribution of being able informative in the society. Continue to learn more with: Caterpillar. 12. HEALTH the State must guarantee and defend the health of all the population. It must implement public politics of sovereignty, alimentary security guard and of basic attention as preventive form, extending and improving programs of familiar health. It must also include the attendance doctor-odontolgico, psychiatric and of nursing. Been OCAN must still guarantee access the gratuitous medicines to all needed population, fortifying its state net of research, production and distribution of medicines. 13. YOUTH For a protected youth and infancy with ample support of politics that promote the affectivity, the respect, its legal rights, its social construction, cultural politics and in the society. Through the reinforcement of programs of productive insertion of the young, to make possible access to the professional and cultural formation of quality, beyond gratuitous public transport. Brasilia, 19 of October of 2006 Another item that if would be of great relevance to contain the SOCIAL CANCER, ' ' THE CORRUPO' ' how much to the shunting line of public resource that occurs in some spheres of the power – under the looks of the guardies of the law and the society ' ' unpunishedly and imunemente' ' – it would be to consider the EMBEZZLEMENT Hideous and unbailable Federal crime ' ' removing the breaches of the law it saw threshold and arbitrariedade of authorities that ' ' vendem' ' or ' ' negociam' ' threshold. (Grifo of the author) CUT (Central Only of the Workers) JOINS (National Union of the Students) UBES (Brazilian Union of Secundaristas Students) MST (Movement of the Agricultural Workers Without Land) MAB (Movement of the Reached ones for Barrages) MPA (Movement of the Small Agriculturists) PJB (Pastoral of the Youth of Brazil) MMC (Movement of Women Peasants) MTD (Movement of the Dismissed Workers) Movement Popular Consultation Coalition Housing? DF Movement of the Catadores de Lixo Reciclvel MNDH (National Movement of Human Rights) Vida and Juventud, Net of Education Citizen, Binds Brazilian of the Lesbians, MNMMR (National Movement Boys and Girls of Street).