Graduate In Management

There are unfortunately a lag in what is offered regarding what is required urgently need to define a new profile manager, the graduate in management, according to current knowledge that the economic scenarios, business need. According to the experience and results of our investigations, both in the chairs, as in the practice of consultant and adviser to the group DEPROIMCA, group consultant – business consultant in the industrial region of Carabobo, in the management topics, with emphasis markets, quality and productivity in the last two years in active form, we consider it important, that a radical change in the current profile of the administrator, to take into account the characteristics of the current national stage and is conducive to generate basic knowledge transformations , changes companies need at the impact of current government actions are generating, coupled interference in addition to globalization and its behavior. It should be very In a context that modern management science has developed new models, new paradigms that provide the administrator of this new vision, a new ethics, administrative tools that are necessary in the current economic scenario. Hence, they can not stay Administration Schools rooted in the traditional management theories of Taylor, Fayol, bureaucratic systems that anchor and damage in their behavior, operation, today, companies have become more socially responsible, efficient use reengineering, benchmarking, empowerment, outsourcing, total quality, customer satisfaction, technology management, strategic management, among others, that allow the Administrator to take actions, strategies, more productive, more competitive. Therefore, it is extremely necessary engage universities, schools of Directors, in order to make way for a new profile of the Administrator, more committed and integrated into the computer, to change, just consider what Margaret Wheatley (1992) notes that in organizations, not we are suffering from information overload due solely to technology, and we can escape our dilemmas of information simply by using more sophisticated techniques of computer classification. .