We go to leave well clearly: this article does not have any intention to criticize the tool or the practical one of a company in evaluating people aiming at its professional development, redirecionamento of career, uprising training necessities nor, neither, the intrinsic habit to the human being to judge its fellow creature & ndash; after all, this is Biblical (& ldquo; You do not judge, and you will not be judged & ndash; Mateus 7:2). The Evaluation of Performance, with the intention that we know, date of developed century XIX for use of American army e, later, assimilated for private companies as the GM that at the beginning of century to XX applied restrictedly its executives. Little time later (decade of 30), astonishhes, the public administration of Brazil introduced for some agencies this exactly concept. In the second half of century XX with the intensification of the presence of companies multinationals in Brazil, the formalizao of the process of Evaluation of Performance was spread and consisted in one advance, in one practical modern of management of people even so limited to the evaluation of the period of experience, to justify promotions and …….. wage readjustments, even so for this use more was known by Evaluation of Merit.
The Evaluation of Merit nothing more age of what the formalizao of the evaluation of the performance of the employee for strict wage ends, rare importing its effect for the development or professional improvement, correction of imperfections, problems of behavior or to indicate training necessities. The focus was the wage readjustment even so, recognizes, was better of what nothing if compared the personal comments of eve, to traditional & ldquo; time of casa& rdquo; or, still, to & ldquo; humor& rdquo; of the Head. The Evaluation of Merit had certain date (generally in September, therefore it preceded the Collective Agreements of the main syndical categories), was unilateral, therefore only the appraiser emitted its closed opinion and, only the RH (or would be better to say the DP) it had & ldquo; segredo& rdquo; of the tabulao and the prerogative of the publication of the frightful result.