To identify to the main population displacements between states and Brazilian regions and to understand its causes. To elaborate, to read and to interpret graphs and texts. 4. PROCEDURES METODOLGICOS Texts? Exposition dialogued with teatral part? Songs (music)? Graphs? Interpretation of images (photos)? Research 5. DEVELOPMENT To understand some elements of the population displacement, it was considered the pupils whom a part produced. They had been able to verify some important changes that they occur with the northeasterns, who leave the field for the city, with prominence for So Paulo, motivated for the job search. From these information, it was suggested that the pupils investigated the passages of the displacement carried through for its parents, grandmothers and other familiar ones.
It was talked informally with the group on the origin of each one of the displacements of its family. To promote the hearing of the Brazilian song ‘ ‘ Cidado’ ‘ (Z Geraldo) or the comment of the Retirantes picture (Cndido Portinari). After that it considers that the pupils organize given raised and elaborate a bar chart that has detached the places of origin and destination in the universe of searched people. 6. FINAL CONSIDERAES Of each 100 Brazilians, 16 live in a different state of that one where they had been born. The refined data for the IBGE in 2002 show as the internal displacement population in the country is expressive that every year takes thousand of people to leave regions with little economic development in search of new chances. The current greater of population displacement is northeast, region with high indices of poverty in direction to the Southeast where they are great industrial centers and of services.
In recent years, however, the raised taxes of unemployment in the Southeast have weakened this trend with the return of many northeasterns to its state/city/origin region. Exactly thus, the Northeast continues being the place that more population loses.