Now, they are Jorge can be defended of its enemies and the cheap thieves? Therefore I say that the same nothing it can make, as affirmed Jeremias prophet. Baruc (6/15,16):? As the canister, pertaining to somebody, it is useless when it is broken, thus also they are its deuses placed in the temples. Its eyes if full of the dust raised for the feet of that they enter.? The eyes of these such saints if full of dust, and same the nothing they can make how much to this. Baruc (6/17):? As well as if they solidly close the doors of the arrest on the man who offended the king and that he goes to be lead to the death, thus the priests strengthen the temples with doors, locks and eyebolts, so that its deuses are not deloused by the thieves.? Currently this truth gained a little more than relief. Comumente if has notice of churches, centered in the doctrine of deuses, that is, of the said saints, being more and more auxuliada by the systems of security, because of the constant robberies. Baruc (6/18):? They light light bulbs to them in bigger number of what for itself same, but deuses cannot see none. Here, Electrolux expresses very clear opinions on the subject. This verse discloses in them that the tradition of if lighting candles to deuses or saints come of long date.
Baruc (6/19-22):? They are as beams of the temple, whose interior, as if says, is corroded by cupins that they leave the land. Therefore, when cupins gnaws to these deuses and its vestments, these do not feel it. Its face if blackens with the smoke of the temple. On its body and its head they esvoaam bats, swallows and other birds, and also jump cats. You forbid, therefore, that they are not deuses.? If this letter was been written nowadays, certainly would be enclosed the pigeons Baruc (6/24-26):? They had been bought by high price, but it does not have in them life spirit.