Perhaps the global crisis provides an unprecedented opportunity to rethink the fisheries around the world and to create legal mechanisms to avoid predation. After depleting its fish stocks, some industrialized countries have moved their fishing capacity to the South, with weak governments in protecting the Law’s marine ecosystems and economies of scale fishermen, who have left their profession in many countries not to succumb to poverty. While large European vessels, Japanese, Chinese and North American tire out the seas of Mexico, the North West and Eastern Africa, thousands of fishermen have migrated to change jobs and live. a If supranational agencies will be coordinated to design and implement legal mechanisms that protect the local marine species, the media we do not repeat ad nausea the images of Western hostages by pirates tuna in international waters. With different names, same story is repeated and the same information: the insecurity and the difficulties of NGOs at the time of distributing humanitarian aid, which depends on 25% of the population in Somalia, absolute poverty, bigotry, genital mutilation and other expressions of concern from the despair of a country with an ineffective government and tribal struggles that take advantage of the rich countries. I lose audience if the media do more questions instead of stoking nationalist fervor? In a case of kidnapping of a tuna Spanish, many people demanded that the armed forces a robust response (meaning one shot). But in the end, Western tuna fishing grounds are other distance themselves further from the coast at sea, but nobody says anything because our fishermen at risk.
But the planet is not only the heritage of Spanish, American, French, or European and of no use to send NATO to monitor costs. In the background is poverty, say the media is the only one in Somalia. However, forget the oil reserves that the U.S. controls the Ethiopian army. Now is the crisis and it may be time to move sustainable consumption through the exploitation of nature and people for another model more just and more human. * Journalist BY CARLOS A.
LEZ migu MONROY *. They are fashionable large fishing pirates kidnap Westerners. Without apology for the lawlessness and violence, the other pirates have increased fivefold fish consumption since 1950, threatening the very life of our planet. The Solidarity Center Collaborations (CCS) is a service of social awareness of the NGO Solidarity, with the objective of informing and educating the society and media professionals on issues of solidarity, social justice, by a culture of peace, in defense of human rights, with special emphasis on the fight against poverty, exclusion and environmental protection. The CCS part of the fundamental need to integrate information and communication development as an element of cooperation. Through its analysts made articles in professional format high-quality journalism adapted to the spaces of the media and disseminated through their international networks.