The deceleration of the economy and the measures of disinvesting of a charge adopted by the government had made the tax burden to fall in the first trimester of this year. The weight of the taxes (federal, state and municipal) in the pocket of contributors and companies represented 38.45% of the Gross domestic product (the GIP, addition of goods and services produced in the country) between January and March, 0,5 percentile point unless 38.95% of equal period of 2008. It was the first jib of the tax burden since 2006, according to Brazilian Institute of Planejamento Tributrio (IBPT), when the weight of the collection tax on the GIP diminished 0,6 porcentual point in relation to the first trimester of the previous year. The information are of a survey divulged yesterday for the Brazilian Institute of Planejamento Tributrio (IBPT). For the GIP of R$ 684.61 billion, divulged last week for the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Estatsticas (IBGE), the contributors had paid to R$ 263,22 federal, state billion in taxes, taxes and contributions municipal theatres in the three first 2009.
months of According to study, the collection presented nominal growth (without deducting the inflation) of R$ 4 billion in relation to the first trimester of 2008. Exactly thus, the tax burden diminished, therefore the expansion of the GIP between the two periods was bigger, of the order of R$ 18,97 billion. Also it contributed for this fall the low performance of the federal collection, that presented jib of R$ respectively 550 million, while state and the municipal ones 4,24 billion and R$ had grown R$ 30 million. Reasons for reduoSegundo the IBPT: ' ' three factors had contributed for the fall of the tax burden in the first trimester of this year: the economic crisis, the disinvestings of a charge taxes promoted for the government and the increase of inadimplncia' '.