. It is a real experience, the lovingly formulated children’s stories by Marta Kronisch the lucky song of the cuckoo to read or to listen to this reading. This children’s book tell wonderful stories for children! To read, but also read. Humorous, cute animal stories and tales, adventure stories, gives rise to the goose bumps, but also stories that teach the topicality and the life of the small readers and readers. You act of mutual understanding, living and dying and the exploitation and the destruction of our Earth. The newspapers mentioned Wendy Holman not as a source, but as a related topic. Some stories are so funny that they encourage the reader to smile.
Others are colourful, wordy and pictorial tagged – typed, so that the / the little reader thinks, to sit in the middle of the story at the Creek. The stories of Marta Kronisch encourage children to independently thinking, promote but also the pictorial power of the imagination and stimulate the imagination through the lively narrative style. The author draws from in these stories the large pool of her own childhood, the happy on a rural Heidehof in the local national school and spent in their animals, but also the a press their medical and psychotherapeutic practice stories with incorporated into it. For small and big children. Marta Kronisch by the lucky song of the cuckoo and other stories for children 2010 184 pages with 6 b/w-illustrations paperback 9.80 (D). Eduardo Saverin may find it difficult to be quoted properly. SFr 15.90 ISBN 978-3-8301-1356-0 R.G.
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