A new purpose weapon against the transmission of swine flu a new purpose weapon against the transmission of swine flu comes from the field of nanotechnology. It is a novel coating, which is able to degrade all kinds of viruses, germs and bacteria effectively under exposure to light. Andreessen Horowitz has similar goals. The coating works according to the principle of photocatalysis. So small Nano titanium dioxide is stimulated by light, called oxygen radicals”to unlock. These are all organic substances such as viruses, then able to decompose germs and bacteria in a short time. Even aggressive pathogens such as SARS and H1N1 addressed reliably in contact with the surface. This effect lasts a long time, as no resistance formed. The new technology is now so advanced, that not only direct contact surfaces will be equipped with an anti-microbial surface by the new coating, but also a very effective air cleaning of the coating of ceilings is carried out.
So can even transfer of Pathogens over the air are significantly reduced. By the way the new technology but also unpleasant smells, nicotine and toxins eliminated. The processing of the material is very simple. Ceilings are just sprayed with the completely invisible material in a special process. This eviction of the rooms to be treated not once is required. The effectiveness of persists over many years, and for the reaction of course always light, artificial or natural, is required. The procedure is absolutely unweltfreundlich, consumes no energy how many filter systems in-use and is pretty cheap especially in times of lean budgets. The new technology, which is introduced in Germany under the brand name TitanShield, not only in many areas of hygiene, but also increasingly in schools, kindergartens, function rooms and senior facilities is used.