Ahead of this question which the cares that the nurse can give to the carrier of Parkinson? The objective of this study is to investigate the cares that the nursing professionals, can give to the carriers of the illness of Parkinson, in order to provide it quality of life better. The choice of the subject is justified for the interest in deepening the knowledge on the illness of Parkinson, in order to give the cares of nursing necessary to the carrier and thus to provide it better quality of life, considering and respecting the individual necessities of each parkinsoniano. One is about a bibliographical research. According to Gil (2002), bibliographical research is developed in elaborated material already, constituted mainly of scientific books, magazines and articles. After the bibliographical survey in pertinent literatures to this thematic one, was carried through a multicriteria election of the read material, evaluating the opinion of the specialized authors.
Finally, the theoretical referencial for reach of the objective intended with the research was constructed. LITERATURE REVISION the illness of Parkinson (DP) is a degenerative riot that affects the pigmented neurons of the black substance of the brain, responsible for the dopamina production (inibitrio neurotransmitter) which controls and co-ordinates the voluntary movements of human being (SMELTZER; BARE, 2002). The D.P is proceeding from a disequilibrium of the central nervous system, not it is transmissible, it can acometer all the races and present high incidence in the world. The men more are affected than the women, the risk to develop increases with the age, the initial diagnosis is purely physician on the basis of the signals and symptoms gifts in the individual and the treatment can be symptomatic, surgical, and the multiprofessional performance is essential to the measure that the illness evolves (BENNET; PLUM, 1997). In accordance with Adoni (2011) the Parkinson term was a homage to the English James Parkinson the idea of of the o name of the doctor to the illness, was of the neurologist Martin Chacot (father of neurology).