The facts took place after a protest against the police action during the lay march that had taken place the previous day in Madrid and that it finished with the intervention of the antiriots when some of the demonstrators increparon in the Door of the Sun to pilgrims that attended the World-wide Day of Youth. According to the Statutory law of the disciplinary Regime of the National Body of Police, the sanction that can prevail by a serious offense is the one of suspension of functions from five days to three months. The beginning of the file supposes the beginning of a procedure that includes the taking of declaration of the investigated agents and the practice of any other test that is considered necessary, after which the designated instructor will formulate the corresponding charge sheet. In him, and if it appreciates disciplinary infractions, it will reflect each and every one of the punishable facts, with his possible legal qualification, as well as the sanctions that can be applied, according to it picks up the mentioned disciplinary regime. The expedientado one will have then a term of ten days to answer and to propose as well the practice of tests.
" There was people who went too far themselves with antidisturbios" The Secretary General of the Unified Union of Policas (SUP), Felipe Brihuega, has showed that the Department of the Interior considers that " he has yielded before the pressure meditica" and there is addition that also was people who " extralimit" with the agents. In its opinion, " he is not justifiable but he is entendible" that at a certain time there have been agents who have been able " extralimitar" as a result of having " state put under insults, humiliations, escupitajos, etc". " Also the police has videos of people who go too far themselves with the agents. Them escupe or pisses " to them; , it has assured Brihuega, while it has asked that also removes those images and that " has asked; why before the mediatic pressure manera" is not defended to the police of another one;. " They want to silence to the public opinion " , it has affirmed.
The representative of the SUP has concluded indicating that to the Department of the Interior " ido" is had to him; this subject " of manos" and, before " mediatic pressure, this is what it is had to him ocurrido". On the other hand, the general vice-secretary of the Spanish Confederation of Polica (CEP), Lorenzo Nebrera, has showed that Inner he has taken " a decision of cobardes" and it has put at the disposal of the police the legal cabinet of the syndicate. " The easy thing is what the Police has done are instances of the Ministry and the PSOE, that is the one who has initiated this hunting of sorceresses " , Nebrera has declared, that it has described as " sorprendente" this decision " after three months in which it is had been harming the Law of Reunin and Manifestacin" in the streets of Madrid. " The Delegation of the Government has allowed that vejen, causes and even they present/display false denunciations against agentes" , the union representative has said, that he has been sorry who the authorization of the passage of the lay march by the Door of the Sun ends up being translated in this decision. Source of the news: Expedientan to three antiriots by " extralimitarse" in the police loads after the lay march