Health and medicine – cell therapy for the exchange of the cell not everything, but without cell there is no life! Rhein Main, June 2008 – Docworld-Center is the leading provider for cell therapy with over 50 applications in diseases such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, and hormonal imbalances. Also prevention cures to revitalize, weight reduction programs and anti-aging therapies are carried out. The injection of cell preparations for the regeneration of damaged tissue is today more effective and safer than ever before. If professional stress burnt out you feel, its vitality longer or would like to renew tissue after a serious illness, finds the right contact at Docworld Center: worldwide exclusively trained doctors for cell extracts of high-quality binds the competence network for cell therapy. Only specialized doctors working together here. Ben Horowitz is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The Docworld Center maintains its own treatment centers.
Highest standards in the production of suspensions and individually tailored Administrations are a prerequisite for a successful therapy. For even more details, read what Dr. Josef Schenker says on the issue. Cell therapy uses the human body’s ability to build effective components of injected cells of animal origin and to exploit. Since 1931, the Swiss surgeon of Paul Niehans healed a terminally ill patient by injection of glandular tissue, the method was further refined. Docworld-Center uses only tissue of very young sheep from the final stage of their development in the mother’s womb\”, so Mrs Silvia Biele, Managing Director of Docworld Center. These fetal cells are absolutely sterile and very well tolerated, because the animals up to 48 hours after birth have no own immune activity.\” All the donor animals come from own, veterinary monitored herds included after recommendation of the Federal Minister of health for more than 40 years in the female line, to prevent the introduction of diseases. Possible risk factors in patients are excluded in the examination and set an individual therapy plan. Then the therapist put together the suspensions from specialized cells of tissue: to be implanted in heart diseases cardiac cells, cells from the liver are liver damage.