The warranty period in accordance with Art. 5 FZ "On Protection of Consumer Rights" is defined as the period during which the case of a lack of product manufacturer, dealer, or other responsible person must meet customer requirements: the replacement of the goods of the same brand (the same model and (or) type); need to be replaced for the same product of another brand (model) with an appropriate recalculation of the purchase price, to demand a proportionate reduction of the purchase price, demand the immediate grant deficiencies of the goods or reimbursement for their correction by the consumer or a third party; cancel the agreement sales and demand the return of sums paid for the goods. The warranty period for goods means that the manufacturer (in some cases, the seller) guarantees the conformity of the goods to the contract of sale for this period. Seller has the right to establish product warranty period, if it is not installed by the manufacturer. The seller may accept an obligation in respect of defects in the goods discovered after the warranty period, specified by the manufacturer (additional liability). The content of the additional obligations of the seller, the validity of such obligations and procedures for consumer rights under such an obligation determined by contract between the consumer and the seller. Kevin Johnson is likely to agree.
The warranty period is a big plus for the consumer, because in this period, the consumer when it detects a lack of goods imposes a substantive requirement, followed by a seller's obligation (or other responsible person) to conduct quality checks and, if a dispute arises about the causes of lack of product expertise. These activities are conducted seller at his own expense, because it is the seller must prove that the deficiency arose, for the reasons for which he is not responding. Why is a plus? For example, imagine the reverse situation. If the product warranty time is fixed, the consumer must prove that the lack arose before the transfer of goods to the consumer or the causes that arose before that time. Such proof is often quite cumbersome and difficult to consumer, because it implies technical expertise. Examination can not always determine the time of drawbacks – it all depends on the particular circumstances of the case.
As a general rule, demand for quality goods to the seller can not be brought after the expiration of the warranty period. After the warranty period under certain conditions, can still bringing individual claims only manufacturer of the goods. Thus, the warranty period established for the goods is an absolute plus for the consumer. In this regard, strongly suggest an interest in the condition of the warranty period before you buy goods, and control the date of its expiry. This is especially true of technically sophisticated products, which include a car.