The Cover

To place a phone number is better on every page, not just on the cover. If you want a visitor, once on site, filled out the questionnaire or other form, do so in man is not any question (why, I give it, and so on) and install it on every page of a bright banner or button to complete a questionnaire. Another little secret of our users are very fond of that – or free, so no harm will be a small bonus for completing the form (discount downloadable bonus …). All unnecessary, that detract from the goal is better to remove, I mean a lot of counters, banners, weather forecast, and similar items. Counter enough for one (preferably invisible), and the weather forecast in my opinion is relevant only on the regional news sites, in addition these elements greatly increase the page loading time. Abuse PPC is not recommended to place more than 2 blocks on the page do not advise it.

3. Give the visitor to understand that he will receive. Each of us, before doing something on a subconscious level, tend to ask themselves' and I for that be? ". You as the owner of the site must be clearly and correctly answer this question. When selling a product, by all means tell me what will benefit the buyer in case of purchase. It is not necessary to list its Numerous features make the emphasis on its advantages. Let's say you sell an umbrella description – an umbrella length of 40 centimeters, the area coverage in working condition as much as 2 meters, comfortable and under it you will never namoknite.