Through the teaching episodes made, realizing that it was possible you work in diverse and attractive, combining geometry – polyhedra and football. With the proposed activities, the students interacted actively during the teaching episodes occurred in the Laboratory of Mathematics Teaching, building knowledge on the subjects studied. Keywords: To regulate Polyhedra – Mathematical Concepts – Manipulatives Football. 1. Introduction In this work we objectify to explore and to investigate the polyhedrons, mainly of Plato, having as goal the construction of the soccer ball, appearing this last one as an element of the desire and the culture of the pupils. We use some concepts of Geometry (polyhedrons and polygons) because these contribute for the learning of the matematizao of the reality and for the accomplishment of discoveries that being made with the proper eyes and hands are more convincing and surprising.
We choose this subject, therefore the use of different materials of the traditional one in the education of polyhedrons by means of the construction of the soccer ball, that much represents for the Brazilian people, contributes for environment of a pleasant and participativo learning for the pupils. Investigativas positions and constant elements of correction, in the practical one of the education of Geometry, consist, ours to see, basic factors to know and to infer principles that support one more significant learning in Average Ensino. This experience was centered in the look of the pupils on its interests, its participation and understanding and, consequently, the degree of its learning, therefore the acquisition of the knowledge was worked in dynamic way in the classroom. 3. Metodolgica dynamics of the Episodes of Education the metodolgica dynamics that we will use with the pupils will be distributed at four distinct moments, but that they are complemented: (i) to enter in contact (combination of the employment contract) taking for base the following motivadora question: what such to construct a ball of soccer with palitos to learn the polyhedrons? Thus, it is our intention to awake the interest on the part of the pupils, they to contribute during all the moments, also during the construction of the soccer ball.