Tag Archives: administration and businesses

Generally More

' ' Generally the administrative structure is minimum, in the certainty of that the papelada one represents only one expenditure generated for legal requirements and tributrias' '. (BORBA). Games of being able are characteristic of the familiar companies (1), where many times more valley the ability politics of what the administrative capacity (2) influences of […]


Conquering the credibility of 1.Cenrio customer 3 You carried through an attendance, two weeks later the person she returns to the company and she asks for you. Is refused to carry through it the purchase with another salesman! It prefers to wait its return of the lunch and after waiting one hour, it offers a […]


This involves the understanding, the concentration and the administration of a continuum contribution between suppliers and customers selected for the creation and the sharing of mutual values by means of interdependence and organizacional alignment. The essence of the relationship marketing is exactly to improve the dialogue between the customer, where the company must make this […]

Organizacional Communication

The conceptual and historical contexts of the communication in the organizations are boarded with relevance, a time that innumerable social factors come changing the necessities of interaction of the companies, mainly practise with respect to them communicative. In this in case that, the importance can be noticed to know the communication process, its impediments and […]


For Oliveira (2004, p.126) ' ' the establishment of the mission has as starting point the analysis and interpretation of some questions as: ' ' which the reason of being of the company? , which the nature of (s) the business (s) of the company? , which are the types of activities where the company […]


The dynamism of the market demands of the companies more incentive the attraction, maintenance and development of talentos. The areas of TD& (Work, Development and Education) acquires vital importance front the demands of the domestic market and external, to providing the training for the development of multipurpose employees. The concept of Educao Corporativa (EC) appeared […]

Strategical Planning

The Model of Ansoff did not take in consideration important changes that they imply in the strategy, as factors politicians, the power, the culture and the communication, being worried only about the questions related with the organization in the market. Drucker (2000), in its book Introduction the Administration, keeps in an one of its chapters […]

Personal Customer

It is thankful and it fires. It does not give the coasts for the customer. To leave clearly that it was a pleasure and to feel the will to be at that moment. Debtor for the visit? He has a good day, late, night; He makes use of our services? We will wait its return […]

Performance Merit Evaluation

We go to leave well clearly: this article does not have any intention to criticize the tool or the practical one of a company in evaluating people aiming at its professional development, redirecionamento of career, uprising training necessities nor, neither, the intrinsic habit to the human being to judge its fellow creature & ndash; after […]