
It fits to the professors to be prepared to take care of these hiperativas children, a time who are assistants right-handers of the behavior of them. Therefore the hiperativa child, does not obtain to be seated, all the moment if she raises, she has incapacity to give attention, what it becomes difficult to explain any thing and leaving all the group without concentration, thus making the attention of the professor directed only toward it, becoming a difficulty for the professor due to the excess of pupils under its responsibility. By means of this article the professors will be able to know and if to acquire knowledge that the carrying pupils of the learning riots need cares special. The relevance for and education are to demonstrate the factors acting it can have contribution between family, professor and psicopedagogo and specialists so that they can offer to an education the one who come to supply the necessities. Thus making one better adequacy of the pedagogical resources in classroom, thus diminishing the tensions between the actors of this process. It is also justified that the professors must search and know the characteristics of this upheaval, relating with the difficulties of its educating, for thus acquiring knowledge itself on the necessity of I diagnosis and treatment so that they can improve the education of its pupils.

The Psicopedagogia is a new area of professional performance, that has as work object the process of learning and its difficulties, englobando some fields of knowledge, interacting them and synthecizing them. According to Bossa (2002), psicopedagogo is the professional the ones that, congregating knowledge of you vary areas, is turned toward the learning and development processes acting in a preventive and therapeutical line. As well as the Psicopedagogia, the studies on learning, infancy and human development had advanced very in the last few decades, in the same way, the failure pertaining to school, the difficulties and upheaval of learning had also become more recent target of studies and research.