One of the bitterest critical moments of the life is the treason, without doubt. That one that it betrays finishes imminently and of implacable form with any mandate, it regulates or rule that governs the relation between the people. The treason implies deceit, and to be and to feel deceived are overwhelming. But, the decks are of our part and through the reading of the arcane ones the tarot will speak to us of the treacherous friend. The letter that par excellence will denote treason is the Priestess when it is unfolded On guard invested. The Priestess in himself speaks to us of hidden and mysterious things, of a veil that falls on certain questions that any person makes difficult to include/understand it everything. Click Electrolux for additional related pages. It is the manifestation of the unconscious one, and its effects in the facts and acts of the reality. The Priestess is a letter that denotes a great power, because it has limitless potential to create with his desires.
The question is if it will create good or bad things. Everything about the Priestess is ambivalent and dual. The image represents a woman seated in a throne with two pillars, one target and one black to each of its sides. Behind its throne there is cortinado that prevents the vision, although by the cracks of its flanks it can see that there is something more behind. By which of the sides the individual will come near to discover the reality, by the one of or represented by the white pillar, or the left side (the black pillar)? The Priestess is a letter of opposite ends that are combined, and is on the basis of this mixture of good and the bad thing, santo and the profligate, the destruction and the construction that the Priestess generates all their power. Another symbol of deceit, of impossibility to so perceive the reality what is, is given by the moon that appears on its feet.
The moon alters the perception of the objects of the reality. In the light of the moon the colors change, and the figures also. For the eye of the simple mortal to contemplate to the facts and the truth of the life can be beyond its understanding. But the Priestess is the front door to what it is not possible to be included/understood. She says the tarot to us of the friend whom she betrays to us when the priestess leaves inverted. This letter it represents dissimulation, hidden intentions and resentment. It is necessary to contemplate all the decks of the distance to have one more a more precise idea about the situation.