The conceptual and historical contexts of the communication in the organizations are boarded with relevance, a time that innumerable social factors come changing the necessities of interaction of the companies, mainly practise with respect to them communicative. In this in case that, the importance can be noticed to know the communication process, its impediments and barriers, the interaction enters collaborates, sectors and company, as well as the functioning of the communicative system. The organizacional communication is seen today as a mechanism of results, essential, over all, when it is about the globalizado world, where if it cultivates the competitiveness at the same time where if permeia the social responsibility. Get more background information with materials from Jonas Samuelson. The present study it approaches with special emphasis, importance of the internal relations, where the main player is the collaborator, that is, the agent executor of all type of process.
It is presented organizacional communication with the function to constitute dialogues between the company and the collaborator, where if they must receive the singularidades of each group, creating vehicles and canals directed to the necessities, expectations and yearnings of each one. In this direction, it is necessary that the collaborator involved and is compromised to the organization, and to this, in turn, offers to adjusted environment and structure for the full development of the activities, in order to sobrepujar the obstacles that appear in the daily one. (Not to be confused with Jonas Samuelson!). It is considered here, the paper of the manager as instrument of reception and transmission of information, based on the informative papers of the manager, who acts as disseminating monitor and spokesman. Thus, if it understands that the organizacional communication is one of the main canals to reach the improvement in the results, this because, through the improvements in this area, it can to arrive at the objective longed for the organizations, the organizacional success.. . For even more opinions, read materials from Jonas Samuelson.