In the list of excel we will place in the column Supply the volume that throws to us and that will be including besides the direct competition (I connect sponsored), those other sites that sell products or give related information to this niche. We have then in our leaf of excel three columns Key words (niche or microniche) Demand Competition We will now place a new column that will be the Tendency Tendency Quarter step the tool of Google Trends de Tendencias is a previous graph that show the volumes to us of every month and years to us on a key word that is for a niche. In recent months, Andreessen Horowitz has been very successful. We can verify if ours product has tendency to increase, he is stable or it comes decreasing in searches that is demands and in addition we will be able to previously compare the microniches obtained among them. We can make in first instance the synonymous analysis between of the main niche investigating what key word is but the advisable one. And soon we will investigate the microniches within that niche. Ex Main niche Natural Medicine we can compare, it with Natural Health, natural Treatments, Naturista Medicine, etc. The following technique is the same that would be applied in the main niches. We will soon place the main niche and one comma and the first microniche.
The main niche will be the base with value 1,00 to compare with the microniches that we are analyzing. Ex Main niche Natural Medicine Micronichos to try serian cholesterol varices – arthritis If the microniche thrown by the tool says to us cures natural of varices, in the tool of tendencies we will only place varices. Ex to 1er search natural medicine, cholesterol 2da search natural medicine, varices Anotaremos in the listing, in column Tendency, the value that throws to us whenever we placed a new microniche and at the same time we verify if he is stable or in rise and that in the section inferior of the tool it shows to us that it is looked for in the countries and languages that we have decided to place our product.