Guided for a script of studies and guided for the professors you discipline of them previously mentioned, the researchers had carried through one interview (field research) the employees and had observed the internal environment of the establishment. For Marconi (1990, P. 75 apud ANDRADE, 2009, p.117), ' ' Research of field is that one used with objective to obtain information and/or knowledge concerning a problem, for which if it looks a reply, or a hypothesis, that if wants to prove or, still, to discover new phenomena or the relations between eles' '. In this direction, the work has as objective main to analyze the practical organizacionais in the internal environment of a company, being had as reference the contents you discipline of them studied in the first period. 2. THE ADMINISTRATION AND ITS CHALLENGES 2.1.
The art to manage the art to manage if translates for the performance of the administrative functions through the levels strategical, tactical and operational of sequenciada and correct form, guiding and leading the company to the reach of the longed for objectives. The task of the administration started to be to interpret the objectives considered for the organization and to transform them in organizacional action by means of planning, organization, direction and control of all the efforts carried through in all the areas and all the levels of the organization, in order to more reach such objectives in the way adjusted to the situation and to guarantee the competitiveness in a concorrencial and highly complex world business-oriented. (CHIAVENATO, 2003, p.11). The good performance of the administrative functions inside of each level and sectors is essential for development of the administration, them forms the administrative manual. In the studied organization the planning, the organization, the direction and the control are gifts, however they are executed of centered form, mainly in the strategical level of the company. .